Monday, September 20, 2010

Another great visit!!

I went back to see Dr Burger today and again got great news! My pressures are down again! The mean was 52 the last time and now it's 41, the systolic was 77 and now it's 60! I'm now classified as having moderate PH - not severe!! I had tears in my eyes when he told me my numbers I was so happy :) Of course I still have to get them lower - I'm still not near normal but it's so encouraging to know that the medication is working. All my lab work looked good too. I didn't do as well on the six minute walk (I went 60 feet less than last time) but he wasn't concerned about that. The good thing about the walk was my oxygen level stayed at 98% (the last time it dropped to 92%). I am going to double the dose of the medication I am taking now and go back to see him in three months. We will look at the meds again when I go back to decide if we are going to add anything else or not. He did tell me he's ok with me starting coumadin (it's a blood thinner) but it has to be managed by my cardiologist. I will be calling him in the am to make an appt! I am also going to call in the morning to schedule an appt for a second opinion. I just want to confirm that we are doing everything we should be doing for me to feel as good as possible! I am feeling good now and hope to stay that way. I am able to climb the stairs in my house at a normal pace and not get short of breath - that is a big step for me!! Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes and prayers - they really are working :)

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